Download: School Schedules Report

Few things shape the daily experience of students and faculty more than the school schedule, yet conversations about schedule changes often focus on logistics—start times, block lengths, and community time—rather than the bigger picture. What if the real question isn’t what the schedule looks like, but rather how well it reflects your school’s priorities and commitments?

At the Association for Academic Leaders, schedule change is a frequent topic of discussion. Schools ask how others have navigated the process, what challenges they faced, and whether consultants were worth the investment. To move beyond anecdotal exchanges, we conducted a survey to better understand how schools approach scheduling decisions, what works, and what doesn’t. Our findings challenged some common assumptions. There is no single formula for a successful schedule. Instead, what matters most is alignment—how well a schedule supports a school’s mission, values, and goals.

Our latest report shares key observations drawn from survey data, research on scheduling practices, and insights from Academic Leaders who have gone through this process. Whether your school is considering small refinements or a major overhaul, these findings can help you make informed, mission-driven decisions about your daily schedule.

Click here to download and read the full report.

Interested in learning more about the Association for Academic Leaders? Send us an email and set up time to chat One Schoolhouse’s Chief Operating Officer, Erin Rehel.


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